Desk vibration detector to automate lights (Aqara Vibration Sensor)

So I am having a hard time automating my Aqara…

My goal is to sit down at my desk, my lights to turn on (ones I specify). Then when the Aqara vibration sensor doesn’t detect vibration for X seconds then turn off the lights. I am using the motion activated light blueprint that I found in the default blueprints in HA.

My issues right now is sometimes the sensor doesn’t pick up the vibration and I have to tap my desk, not a huge deal but not ideal. But sometimes even though it triggers on the logbook, it still shuts off. As writing this I just increased the wait time, so I am hopeful that will fix it. But does anyone know of a better way to do it?

I would love any ideas or feedback on what I should try.

I tried creating this automation (XXXX is actual device ID that I removed), but it doesn’t seem to work as well as the blueprint one:

alias: Sit At Desk (Day)
description: Sit At Desk
  - type: motion
    platform: device
    device_id: XXXX
    entity_id: binary_sensor.desk_sensor
    domain: binary_sensor
  - condition: sun
    after: sunrise
    before: sunset
  - scene: scene.desk_daytime
mode: single

Would mounting the vibration sensor on your chair rather than the desk give you more activations?

That’s not a bad idea. I might try that if no one else responds (I used the included tape that is basically cement already lol).

I could’t find a use for the two vibration sensors I own, they were too unreliable for everything I tried .
The only use I found somehow is mounting one of them in a small box and using it similar to what the Aqara Cube does base on the X-, Y-, and Z-axis.
I was very disappointed about the whole thing.

HI Guys,

Did you get this working as a vibration sensor to switch lights on?