Detailed trace for automation?


I have a lot of automations and I was wondering if it’s possible to see WHY an automation didn’t run. Like what condition it ran in to or something.

For Example:
My Roborock vacuum cleaner should only run everyday at 9 A.M but only when there is no one home. And when someone gets home and it is cleaning, it should dock itself.

For the above automation I use the Choose option like I have for many other automations. But when Roborock didn’t run at 9 A.M, the trace only sees " No action taken"

But I wanna see why there was no action taken. When I want to know now, I need to edit the automation and open the specific option. Is there a way to see why actions hasn’t been taken?

In case you are not aware of this … when you click on the automation (like to edit it), on the top right corner you will see “TRACES”. Check that out - it will show you a trace. Once you are in the trace, you can navigate the steps on the left hand side as well as in the top center, you can go to previous traces.

Yes I know, but I find it unclear.

2023-12-18 17_41_58-Settings – Home Assistant

In this case, no action was taken because of the state of the dispenser. It was already on,
in the automation the dispenser should be off to run. But I forgot that the condtion of the dispenser was set.

So what I actually expected to see, was something like “No action taken, because of state of dispenser” or "No action taken, and condition is false.

Right - but in Step Details.
You can see the actual results of the tests for the previous step, which let’s you understand why it didn’t run.

Trace timeline is basically just an overview summary.