Detected blocking call to open with args...... endless error messages

Shortly after updating HA to 2024.7.x it began reporting errors like this:

Detected blocking call to open with args.....

… followed by endless lists of Python 3.12 references.
These blocking errors were never seen before - ever! Now they flood my log daily and every time I restart HA. I do not understand what they mean, nor what to do with them.
I could see however, that some integration maintainers have released updates to prevent/fix blocking calls for their integrations so obviously this is something “new” that we didn’t have problems with earlier.
Regretfully, many maintainers either no longer maintain or they cannot/will not step in and fix this. I assume that if they use their own integrations, they too must have seen these errors?

No this is a problem that always existed but was not reported before.

“Reported” - do you mean logged ?


Aha, so these errors has always been there, but just not logged (been “invisible”)?
So, if I understand you correctly, you say; Just ignore them and carry on as normal? :no_mouth:

Nope. They have the potential to slow your system down. Report them to the 3rd party developer if issues have not already been raised.

If the 3rd party repository appears abandoned you should consider looking for alternatives or just remove the integrations.