Detecting BME280 Sensor with RPI3 I2C & Hassio

Trying to setup BME280 sensor with Raspberry PI 3 running Home Assistant v0.105.5.

I was able to enable I2C, using HomeAssistant CLI mode mentioned here: How to enable I2C on /

I have connected the BME280 sensor to raspberry pi 3 using the below circuit:

and the configuration.yaml is:

  - platform: bme280
    name: "BME280"
    i2c_address: "0x77"
    operation_mode: 2
    time_standby: 5
    oversampling_temperature: 4
    oversampling_pressure: 4
    oversampling_humidity: 4
    delta_temperature: -0.5
       - temperature
       - humidity
       - pressure
    scan_interval: 40

and upon saving this, I’m getting following errors:

2020-02-19 19:51:42 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [homeassistant.components.bme280.sensor] Bad update: 121
2020-02-19 19:51:42 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.bme280.sensor] BME280 sensor not detected at 0x77
  • If it’s an issue of i2c_adress parameter which is not getting correct address, then how can we find the exact address of the sensor?

  • If not, then how to troubleshoot further?

Note: I’m also using DHT AM2302 sensor on the same Hassio RPI3 board using GPIO Pin 4 and it’s working just fine.

Do you still get an error when it’s 76, instead of 77?

Yes, getting the same error, 0x76 being the default i2c_address and the error code it shows 76, instead of 77.

@akyjoe did you find a solution for this issue? I am trying to connect two sensors (BME280 and AM2320) to Home Assistant but haven´t got any luck with any of them yet.
You mentioned you were using one AM2302 and it was working fine, did you connect it using I2C or single bus?

Hey. Sorry, this topic is pretty old hence it would be hard to recall everything. But attaching 2 sensors that is BME280 and AM2320/DHT22 to Hassio on RPI3 never worked together. BME280 did work using default i2c address “0x76” after few reboots. Where AM2320 worked with GPIO 4, where I have DHT11 installed now.

Later on, I figured a better approach for connecting multiple sensors including AM2320, BME280 and MQ-135 using NodeMcu and fetching data in Hassio via MQTT protocol.

Hope something helps for your troubleshooting.

I connected the AM2320 to GPIO 4 and used the DHT integration:

  - platform: dht
    sensor: AM2302
    pin: 4
      - temperature
      - humidity

But unfortunately I just get random numbers not related to the real temperature:


Not sure if the issue is the platform DHT just supports sensor AM2302 and not AM2320?

Like I mentioned above, I am now using DHT11 instead of AM2320 with a similar code snippet which you have attached above. And here are the screens below for temperature and humidity values logged.

You can see the fluctuations are very frequent in the case of temperature and very less in the case of humidity. But higher values in the graph are true, as I used an alternative temperature monitor to check accuracy. So, I guess this is common (problem/situation) in your case as well as mine.