Detecting failed login attemps with AppDaemon

I am trying to send a notification on a failed login attempt.
I found this forum post but since I moved all automations to AppDaemon and will never go back I wonder if someone managed to do this in AppDaemon?

i think nowaday HA creates an event for login/bad login.

i am not sure, but if thats the case you can use listen_event for it.

And if there is no event, there is the file sensor for tracking log files

i did some seaching and it seems that in automations they use the entity persistent_notification.httplogin as trigger.

so i think you can use


edit i did put in that line in a test app.
a failed login gives notifying as new and state as attribute.
so that line can be used

and here a complete app.

import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass

class test(hass.Hass):

    def initialize(self):

    def test(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
        if new=="notifying": #to make sure that the entity exists, otherwise it will create an error when you close the notification
            test = self.get_state("persistent_notification.httplogin",attribute="message")

the testvariable can be used to as message for a notify


INFO: test: Login attempt or request with invalid authentiocation from IP_ADRESS

Thank you.
Works like a charm.
Only thing is that the login request originates from aka my apache2 reverse proxy.
Does anyone know how to get around that?

thats because of a setting in apache, you need to tell it to forward the original ip.

Apache2 is already sending all the information.
In the Homeassistant config one has to add
use_x_forwarded_for: True to the http component.

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