Determine which line/file causes an error when given "None (See ?, Line ?)."

Hi everybody,

how can I figure out which .yaml file is causing this error?

Usually, I would get something like See heizungen.yaml, line 34, or similar; if so, I can open that file and fix it. But here I have no idea which file is causing this error, making it very hard to debug.

Thank you in advance for your help :slight_smile:

It’s the first action of one of your automations. It is an if action and the if condition is a numeric state without an above or below (which the condition requires at least one of).

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Also, it’s likely to be something that you’ve recently changed …

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Thank you both @tom_l @eggman

Yes. I have actually found the issue by trial and error. Working on a fresh Home Assistant instance (with few yaml automations), so debugging this is easy. However, I have a similar error on my “production” instance, which has had this error for ages. I was not able to find it because there are so many files that I wasn’t able to go through manually.

Is there still a way to determine which file caused this? I just intentionally made a broken automation:

  - alias: "Autoschaltung Schlafzimmer Media"
      platform: timefdasdfasdfgsdgsdfgsdf
      at: input_datetime.festlegen_zeit_ausschalten_szm
    - service: switch.turn_off
      entity_id: switch.schlafzimmer_media_tasmota

Here I will get the error below, which easily allows me to, at least, grep for BP Motion ZZ and find the faulty yaml file. This is not possible with the error from my initial post; I am of course able to grep for conditions or if, but that will return many results (depending on how many automations like this one has).