Determine which media library is being accessed by a streaming device in the Plex integration

Feel free to move this if I got where I posted this wrong.

I would love for a way to figure out which media library is in use on Plex when a device is streaming content, at least content being used at home. For example, if I have music or music videos going on in the backyard, I want to be able to automatically turn on my backyard lights to a different mode (specifically turning my Govee music synch box on, which flashes the lights in time with the music) or for playing either my movies or TV shows library, I really do not want those lights flashing so I want to keep them pretty static and set to a low level, which I have overall whenever the device is playing through a scene, which also dims the lights pretty far.

If you look at the media_player for the Plex client in Developer Tools > States, there should be an attribute called media_library_title. Using a template, you should be able to extract that and then determine which library is being accessed.

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I’m new to HA so still trying to get to grips with YAML and automations. I have this but am getting an error Message malformed: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘automation’]

It seems to be fairly similar to what you were trying to do so any pointers or obvious error with what I have would be great

  - alias: Dim lights when Plex starts playing Movies
      platform: state
      entity_id: media_player.plex_plex_for_android_tv_shield_android_tv
      from: 'idle'
      to: 'playing'
      condition: template
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('media_player.plex_plex_for_android_tv_shield_android_tv', 'media_library_title') == 'Movies' }}"
      - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.livingroom_light_group
          brightness_pct: 30
    mode: single

It should look like this:

- alias: Dim lights when Plex starts playing Movies
    - platform: state
      entity_id: media_player.plex_plex_for_android_tv_shield_android_tv
      from: 'idle'
      to: 'playing'
    - condition: template
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('media_player.plex_plex_for_android_tv_shield_android_tv', 'media_library_title') == 'Movies' }}"
    - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.livingroom_light_group
        brightness_pct: 30
  mode: single

I have not been able to get the Shield TV to show me what library is being played.

Here is it when playing my Music Video library:

Here is the Plex portion, itself:

Overall play/not playing, I have figured out. I need to make these dependent on what library is being played. I do not see that option.

Did you create a template sensor for it like I suggested?

How? I am sorry I am new to templates and sensors. I am trying to give you all the information I can. Here is what I see, which gives me what I think I need. I just do not know how to apply this to a sensor and then once I see that as a status, then I am sure I can do the automation part.

Here is the same information in the states screen and it looks like line12 is what I want:

One thing I noticed is that this screen has a bit of a delay as it switches songs where it looks like it stopped but eventually refreshes with the new song playing.

So, the first thing you need to do is create a template sensor helper (Settings > Devices & Services > Helpers > Add Helper). In the state template, put the following:

{{ state_attr('media_player.plex_in_use_kirks_living_room_shield_tv_pro', 'media_library_title') }}

Name it something like Plex Media Library. This will create a new entity called sensor.plex_media_library that you can use in automations and scripts.

In an automation, you could use something like {{ states('sensor.plex.media_library') == 'Movies' }} in any template condition and then react accordingly.

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That was it. Thank you so much.

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Screenshot 2024-06-14 221055
Still doesn’t work

Screenshot 2024-06-14 223031
I tried it both ways to.