Is there a way in HA to determine the zigbee protocol version the coordinator is using?
Is there a way in HA to determine the zigbee protocol version the coordinator is using?
If using zigbee2mqtt, you can see the zstack version in the coordinator version entity.
Jaysus I never saw that entity before!!! Thanks.
BTW, Does any of you know the actual differences between ZB2 and ZB3? I couldn’t…
Is there differences at the radio level, or is it just a protocol evolution?
And if someone has such a trick to know the version ran in ZHA, I’d be grateful (if it even make sense).
Was there ever a Zigbee 2 ? All devices I know/have or either Zigbee 1.2 or Zigbee 3.0.
Zigbee 1.2 had a lot of different profiles : Zigbee ZLL (Zigbee Light Link, mostly used for bulbs) and Zigbee ZHA (Zigbee Home Automation) were the most common.
Zigbee 3.0 unified these different protocols.
No real clue, tbh.
It seems that devices are advertised more and more as ZB3, so I kind of assumed this was something new.
And, very specifically, I wondered if I needed a new coordinator, mine being a couple of years old.
Zigbee 3.0 is backwards compatible with Zigbee 1.2, so no need if your coordinator still works ok.