Dev setup unclear

Does anyone have a concrete working guide for dev work?

I’m following this guide…

but some steps don’t work or are vague, because I’m following them and I’m getting various issues, so much that another clear concise guide would help. I’m new to docker, VSC and HA dev so this isn’t ideal either.

Managed to get it working - sort of.

  • Using Windows I10 insiders latest build
  • Installed WSL2
  • Applied kernel updates from the windows .msi package.
  • Installed VSC on Windows
  • Installed WSL Remote and Docker extensions
  • Forked HA repo and cloned to my [Debain] WSL2.
  • I can open my HA dev repo on the [Debian] WSL, as a remote folder.
  • I don’t have the “Open folder in container” option.

when I open my WSL terminal, go into the homeassistant repo, and issue command code . VSC opens as a remote folder ; I can see the Devcontainer items but VSC isnt opening it as a container or offering the option to.
