Develop Statistics Configuration via Template?

Still heavily learning-by-doing, i want to use Statistics Sensor for my Power Meter, to detect unsual Power drain. Statistics Sensors seem to be the right Tool.
As i have no clue about right charateristics, timespan, i want to avoid to restart HA Hundered of Times and spam the History Stats.
(How) can i use:

  - platform: statistics
    name: "Bathroom humidity mean over last 24 hours"
    entity_id: sensor.bathroom_humidity
    state_characteristic: mean
      hours: 24

in /developer-tools/template/, to instantly see the Result, without always edit configuration.yaml and Restart?

I’m not sure what you mean by this:

Just add the sensor to an entities card so you can see the state any time you want.

Sorry for beeing not clear :crazy_face:
I mean: To find out the proper settings for that statistics sensor, i want to play around with its Settings. E.g. start with a Timespan like 10 Minutes and see what happens, then observe the Result for 20 Minutes. Then see what is the Difference between “mean” and “average_linear”. Have a look, what the Output of “noisiness” is, and if it might be helpful.

Ah I see.

You’re stuck with the restart dance unfortunately.

Templates only have access to the current state. So there’s no easy way to calculate a mean of previous states.

Too bad. Thanks anyway for your fast responses, appreciate it! As my first attempts with the statistics are totally unsatisfying i might start another hands-on Thread… :wink: