Still heavily learning-by-doing, i want to use Statistics Sensor for my Power Meter, to detect unsual Power drain. Statistics Sensors seem to be the right Tool.
As i have no clue about right charateristics, timespan, i want to avoid to restart HA Hundered of Times and spam the History Stats.
(How) can i use:
- platform: statistics
name: "Bathroom humidity mean over last 24 hours"
entity_id: sensor.bathroom_humidity
state_characteristic: mean
hours: 24
in /developer-tools/template/, to instantly see the Result, without always edit configuration.yaml and Restart?
Sorry for beeing not clear
I mean: To find out the proper settings for that statistics sensor, i want to play around with its Settings. E.g. start with a Timespan like 10 Minutes and see what happens, then observe the Result for 20 Minutes. Then see what is the Difference between “mean” and “average_linear”. Have a look, what the Output of “noisiness” is, and if it might be helpful.
Too bad. Thanks anyway for your fast responses, appreciate it! As my first attempts with the statistics are totally unsatisfying i might start another hands-on Thread…