Boy, is yaml friggin fussy. WTH is there no line #'s for errors in the template “developer” tab??? try to debug more than 3 lines of template code and youre in for a long night.
anyone know of a replacement jninja integration for HOME ASSISTANT that can evaluate values without having to define them all? and something that gives more screen real estate for code & breaks out errors & results?
As for your other questions about reporting line numbers in errors and/or replacing the default Jinja2 interpreter, the short answer is: no.
FWIW, when a complex template results in an error message, I locate the root cause by temporarily removing a chunk of the template. If that causes the error to disappear, I know the problem lies within the chunk I just removed. One or two more iterations of this technique usually narrows it down to the offending line of code.
FWIW, when a complex template results in an error message, I locate the root cause by temporarily removing a chunk of the template. If that causes the error to disappear, I know the problem lies within the chunk I just removed. One or two more iterations of this technique usually narrows it down to the offending line of code.
Hmm… ok, thats what I do as well, its just strikes me as odd that the most “hacker friendly” home automation platform has this glaring omission in a really key area. The more I dive in, the more I find templating solves more complex issues.
FWIW, the behavior is the same with Firefox. If you decrease magnification, initially you see a bit more of the template within its pane and then everything shrinks without any increase in real-estate for the template’s text.
The main difference is, at 100% magnification, I am seeing more than the paltry 40 characters you are getting.
All I can suggest is you try Chrome or Firefox on your Mac and see if behaves differently.
Ive tried Chrome, Canary, Safari on Mac and FF on Ubuntu 20.04. looks like 100 chars max no matter the screen size which is 2560 x 1440 screen resolution.