Developer tools - services


i’ve been watching bruh automation channel and i’ve noticed that he has many services on his home assistant:

one of them is also a useful restart.

why dont I have these services? or i can add them anyhow?

Ben may be using a dev branch.

so this is not standard version? I miss that i can’t restart HA from this UI, only from putty.

Restart is part of the standard services in the UI.

I think there’s a restart button that displays if you turn on config: as well.

Is your install up to date?

it seems that doesnt work for me?

yes, installed it yesterday. fresh from the website.

can you please explain this ?

It shows as failed when it DOES work because the webUI gets disconnected from the back-end, try force refreshing the page in the browser right after calling the service, you should see that HASS is down.

You’re right, i’ve tried. thank you! :slight_smile:

Put a top-level config: entry in your YAML and you’ll get a config panel in the UI. It has a “restart server” button.

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