Developing custom components

Hey guys,
since a more or less long time i am trying to develop a custom component using or better saying trying to use other custom components and changing them.
The process how to develop a custom component was described ok in this guide: Custom Sensor Component — ESPHome but like there is said its deprecated. So and developing a custom component using external component, described here: External Components — ESPHome is not described very well. Is there a tutorial how a custom component is developed or its process is described? There are so many things which are unclear to me.
Thank you very much!


This might help:

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Unfortunately zenzay42’s skips the steps in the procedure and instead focuses on the specifics of his project. There is more to it than just copying a custom component .h file to a new directory structure and referencing it a YAML file. I assume this is easy for a developer that is very knowledgable about both implementations. It would be great if someone would walk us through it before Custom Components are depricated.

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Yes exactly, i would be glad if someone could explain more or less the procedure as TLCary says.

Agreed, I am running into the same problem