Yeah, basically - I just went down the same road. All it does is fire up a container given your git repo and runs that as an instance of HA. As you develop, you can test using that instance, etc. I don’t believe there’s anything overly special about it, but I could be wrong.
This is the dev container config I have using HA’s recommended method, so just copy the pieces you think you need if building remotely yourself:
"name": "Home Assistant Dev",
"context": "..",
"dockerFile": "../",
"postCreateCommand": "git config --global --add ${containerWorkspaceFolder} && script/setup",
"postStartCommand": "script/bootstrap",
"containerEnv": {
"features": {
"": {}
// Port 5683 udp is used by Shelly integration
"appPort": ["8123:8123", "5683:5683/udp"],
"runArgs": [
"GIT_EDITOR=code --wait",
"customizations": {
"vscode": {
"extensions": [
// Please keep this file in sync with settings in home-assistant/.vscode/settings.default.json
"settings": {
"python.experiments.optOutFrom": ["pythonTestAdapter"],
"python.defaultInterpreterPath": "/home/vscode/.local/ha-venv/bin/python",
"python.pythonPath": "/home/vscode/.local/ha-venv/bin/python",
"python.terminal.activateEnvInCurrentTerminal": true,
"python.testing.pytestArgs": ["--no-cov"],
"pylint.importStrategy": "fromEnvironment",
"editor.formatOnPaste": false,
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.formatOnType": true,
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
"terminal.integrated.profiles.linux": {
"zsh": {
"path": "/usr/bin/zsh"
"terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux": "zsh",
"yaml.customTags": [
"!input scalar",
"!secret scalar",
"!include_dir_named scalar",
"!include_dir_list scalar",
"!include_dir_merge_list scalar",
"!include_dir_merge_named scalar"
"[python]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "charliermarsh.ruff"
"json.schemas": [
"fileMatch": ["homeassistant/components/*/manifest.json"],
"url": "${containerWorkspaceFolder}/script/json_schemas/manifest_schema.json"