Development environment w/ devcontainer on M1 (arm) Mac?

I’m rather new to Home Assistant, hoping to develop some custom integrations. Following instructions to set up a development environment on my M1 Mac, I found that the containerized environment was super-laggy and unstable (crashing the emulated Linux kernal, etc.). It seems likely that this is because it’s an x86 container and running under qemu. I haven’t the first idea where to look to see if I can force it to use an arm64 container. Has anybody else figured this out?

I just tried arm64 builds on the M1 using Ubuntu running under Parallels (super fast) and then on a RPi4 running Ubuntu (not so fast) and both fail, I looked here to see if you need to use an x86 to get this done and am guessing it might be the case.

My first time to try this as I was asked to help test a new integration, maybe time to dust off an old Intel iMac to see if I can get past this.

[2021-04-03T17:41:52.563Z] [PID 4510] Status: Downloaded newer image for
[2021-04-03T17:41:52.575Z] [PID 4510]  ---> db7d02d8604c
Step 2/10 : SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
[2021-04-03T17:41:54.675Z] [PID 4510]  ---> [Warning] The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
 ---> Running in dd77af94d6c1
[2021-04-03T17:41:55.054Z] [PID 4510] Removing intermediate container dd77af94d6c1
 ---> 56c864cb9c05
Step 3/10 : RUN     curl -sS | apt-key add -     && apt-get update     && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends         libudev-dev         libavformat-dev         libavcodec-dev         libavdevice-dev         libavutil-dev         libswscale-dev         libswresample-dev         libavfilter-dev         libpcap-dev         git     && apt-get clean     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
[2021-04-03T17:41:55.054Z] [PID 4510] 
[2021-04-03T17:41:55.192Z] [PID 4510]  ---> [Warning] The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
[2021-04-03T17:41:55.193Z] [PID 4510]  ---> Running in c123f1dcad29
[2021-04-03T17:41:56.589Z] [PID 4510] standard_init_linux.go:219: exec user process caused: exec format error

I had the same question so I figured out how to do this today when I couldn’t find any information on it: Here is my repo of Addons that has a .devcontainer built for m1 Apple Silicon Macs. Enjoy.