Device_class running doesn't exist anymore?

Hey all, I’m trying to make a template binary sensor for if a device (washing machine) is running or not running. The documentation shows this is an available option but when I try to use it HA gives an error. Just wondering if this was removed and the docs are wrong.

Invalid config for [binary_sensor.template]: value must be one of [‘battery’, ‘battery_charging’, ‘cold’, ‘connectivity’, ‘door’, ‘garage_door’, ‘gas’, ‘heat’, ‘light’, ‘lock’, ‘moisture’, ‘motion’, ‘moving’, ‘occupancy’, ‘opening’, ‘plug’, ‘power’, ‘presence’, ‘problem’, ‘safety’, ‘smoke’, ‘sound’, ‘update’, ‘vibration’, ‘window’] for dictionary value @ data[‘sensors’][‘washing_machine_state’][‘device_class’]. Got ‘running’. (See ?, line ?).