I have a device_class question and I am not sure why I am seeing what I am seeing.
I have 4 binary sensors, all motion sensors from different devices. 2 cameras, 1 doorbell and one sensor. Now from my understanding of what I am reading, the UI device_class is what determines he way the state value will be displayed. All 4 are listed as motion class.
Negative. I didn’t even get that far. When I started researching value_templates to fix this I saw that what I was attempting to do which is have them all report data the same way (clear / detected) has been or is being decommissioned in favor of device_class definitions in the UI. See Below:
Is there anything you’ve done in the Entities card? For example, I noticed the friendly_name is Family Room Occupancy but the in the card it’s displayed as Family Room.
“Have you tried restarting” The IT Crowd
Sorry couldn’t help my self.
Have you tried removing the device & re adding it (if not do the door bell)?
There is also something strange about your “binary_sensor.family_room_occupancy”. It looks like you have over-written the default icon, for some reason (I guess it is an occupancy vs Motion sensor).