I just added a Zooz Zen25 dual switch to the network. Seemed to add okay.
I wanted to change some of the default parameters and went into the Z-Wave control panel and selected the node. However, Node Config Options is blank. The datasheet shows several available config options, so this was a bit confusing.
I checked the zwave xml file and the field for COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIG is basically blank with no options underneath the header:
So it’s like the device never told OpenZwave that it had config options. I have tried test and heal and restarting (twice). Anything else to try before removing and re-adding?
The ZEN25 config file was included in the 0.103.0 release, which is why I mentioned it. If you aren’t getting the options, might check that your product type & id are the same.
Funny you should mention that. It did initially show up as Zooz, type unknown as its name and reflected the same in the xml file. I didn’t do a full reboot after the update this morning (did it later during Zwave troubleshooting). I wonder if that change didn’t read in until the full system reboot; basically meaning I added the node under the earlier version.
It took longer than it should have, but I successfully removed the node, rebooted, and readded it. It shows up with the proper name and now has config options!
I have been working with Freshcoast on discord with this device. It has been driving me crazy. I keep getting tons of these errors if any of the power monitoring is enabled:
Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection.140334458420472
Source: components/websocket_api/http.py:98
Integration: websocket_api ([documentation](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/websocket_api), [issues](https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22integration%3A+websocket_api%22))
First occurred: 7:36:56 PM (30 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:36:56 PM
Client exceeded max pending messages [2]: 512
I also have an entity that only shows up in lovelace and not anywhere else (.storage), Zooz ZEN25 S2 Double Plug Unknown. Just curious if you found any settings to stop the errors or get rid of the unknown entity. I recently upgraded the firmware to version 2 which slowed the amount of errors but hasn’t stop them. If I disable all power monitoring, I can stop the error so I know it is related to the Zooz double plug.