Anyone know what might cause this? A couple days a month the consumption for my OpenEVSE reports the total lifetime consumption (over 15,000 kWh). It’s using the OpenEVSE total power sensor, not the power in watts separately summed.
Check the source sensor history graph (actual device history) and look to see if it reports a large spike, like rebooting and reporting 0 at first and then its actual value or similar.
This happens a lot when template sensors report 0.0 instead of ‘Unavailable’ or ‘Unknown’, When the sensor starts reading correctly, there is a huge jump from 0 → actual reading that the utility meter ingests.
Not sure why I didn’t think of that, but yeah that looks like the issue. Looks like a larger issue with OpenEVSE because it didn’t even increase the total power while a car was charging.
Just to clarify, the total usage isn’t a template sensor, it comes directly from OpenEVSE. I’m thinking though I might create a template sensor that does a riemann sum of the actual power, since that seems to be more reliable.