Device data not visible in HA after migrate to 2e wifi network

I have added a 2e wifi-network (SSID: HA; No internet connection), see diagram. In the ESPHome I defined 2 SSIDs (the new has the highest priority). I can program the device over wifi in both networks and in ESHome the device is “online” and its log shows the data coming from the device. In the HA dashboard and … I see the device, but when connected to HA no data is shown (see screenshots “Diagnotics”). Node-Red also does not get data when connected to HA. The resolving warning only shows when programming the device (looks not to be related to the problem). I rebooted home assistant several time, but had no effect on the problem. It looks to me a problem in the communication between ESPHome and Home Assistant. Can anyone help me finding the root cause?

    - ssid: !secret wifi_ssid_ha
      password: !secret wifi_password_ha
      priority: 10
    - ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
      password: !secret wifi_password
      priority: 0
  reboot_timeout: 60s



Possibly the problem is related to mDNS not working across the boundary to the second network.

This looks to be the problem. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Too bad that using HA connected to 2 networks is not possible. I have problems with the network Paardje and the provider adviced me to limit the number of devices. I had longer the idea to this, but than to separate the HA devices (that do not need internet) from the other devices (laptops, phones, ect.).