Device + entity level notification opt-in/out (to allow disabling notification for a phone battery etc)

Hi, could the data model be extended for devices and entities to control notification settings?

I now get annoying notifications about my house mates phone battery levels, which I would like to control from an admin perspective. It would be great to allow

  • top level:
    • type: [opt-out, opt-in] # (I suggest opt-out as default as that is what I anticipate most users want)
    • classes: […] # list of device classes to opt in/out
    • … # what else?
  • device level: toggle include in notifications (by default set to top level opt in/out bool, or if it was set by user, keep that)
  • entity level: toggle include in notifications (idem)

Toggling top level in/out would set all the device and entity checkboxes to that value ONLY if it was not touched before by the user.

You are in control of your own automations if your are receiving a notification you don’t want then simply adjust your automation.

Haha, I overlooked some yaml script where it all took place, but haven’t had notifications from for a long time. Silly me assumed it was some update