Device for entity loaded from configuration.yaml beyond config entry

Hi, I developed integration for system based on proprietary bus driven by PLC. I have connected plenty of switches, thermometers, light atd. All this stuff is entities added in component’s async_setup_platform(). It works well with exception that device_info, which is intended PLC info is not displayed and device list remains empty.

The reason is missing config entry id. Following patch reveals device list as intended. I have dozens of components in generated configuration.yaml and really do now want configure it manually. And also when updated I don’t want to be copies to config_entries repository.

--- a/homeassistant/helpers/
+++ b/homeassistant/helpers/
@@ -344,7 +344,8 @@ class EntityPlatform:
             device_info = entity.device_info
             device_id = None
-            if config_entry_id is not None and device_info is not None:
+            # if config_entry_id is not None and device_info is not None:
+            if device_info is not None:
                 processed_dev_info = {"config_entry_id": config_entry_id}
                 for key in (

or optionally

+            if config_entry_id is None and device_info is not None:
+                config_entry_id = "CONFIGURATION"

I tried to follow e.g. demo component to raise async_setup_entry().

async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistantType, config: ConfigType) -> bool:
    if not hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN):
        # we need get entry_id to display devices but still issue how get config by platform
                DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_IMPORT}, data={}

It succeeds but async_setup_entry() has no config info as async_setup_platform(). Passing as data is workaround and data are not grouped by platform.

So is it feature or bug that items from configuration.yaml cannot provide devices ? Unless it is bug how to implement without patching hass core ?

Thanks in advance

Items defined in configuration.yaml don’t create devices. If your custom integration needs to create device s , it needs to follow the config flow.