Device groups not working

Hey guys,

I had a group config but it’s not working anymore.
I’m not sure, but I think that stoped to work after the last update.

I’ve looked on last uptade page and found nothing about a change on groups.

Here is my configuration.yaml:

group: !include groups.yaml

And groups.yaml:

  name: group_name
    - light.name1
    - light.name2

This config was working but not anymore.

Can any body help me, please?

I don’t know if anything has changed, but I just set up groups for the first time earlier today. Here’s an excerpt from my groups.yaml that worked for me:

        name: Kitchen
        - light.kitchen_main_lights
        - light.lifx_one
        - switch.vesync_1
        - light.sengled_four
        - light.sengled_five

        name: Living Room
        - switch.tuya_switch1

… and when you toggle any of those 5 lights, does all 5 toggle together?

This should work, just tested it with ‘light.toggle’.
Is it anything special you are doing? Do the lights have different features and are you using an unsupported feature for one of the lights?

@Jae_Oh Be aware of the fact that you are combining switches and lights. When you toggle a light, the switches will give an error in the log and will not be toggled. If you want to have a group with bothm for example to see if a switch ir light is turned on, you could create a 3rd group that contains the other two groups.

Nothing special…
Just notice that if a turn on the group, all lights turn on. But if I turn on a light individually, only this own light turn on.


I made 2 automations to solve that:
1 - If any of those lights turn on, turn on the group;
2 - If any of those lights turn off, turn off the group;

Its a bad logic, but its working.

I get it, but I think that’s how it is designed.
If you toggle the group, all lights are toggled. If you toggle an individual light, you (indeed) need to build an automation if you want the others to follow.

You can do this with one automation by the way. Have the lights as a trigger and use ‘trigger.to_state.state’ as a choose condition to turn the lights off or on.

Yes, if you turn on a single member of a group it doesn’t cause other group members to turn on too. That’s always been the case.

Its weired… A few days ago it was working different… when I toggled one light, the other toggled together…
anyway… the solution is the automation!!!
Thank you guys!!

Then maybe you had crated a zigbee device grouping.

As Tinkerer said, this is not how home assistant groups work.

I haven’t noticed anything going wrong. I haven’t checked the logs, but everything works as intended. Groups are toggled on and off and everything is happening as I expect it to. If you’re saying there might be issues with HA properly deciding what the state of the group is, that could be true, but if so it doesn’t seem to be affecting the functionality I want from it.

Good to read, maybe they made it more robust in the later versions. I don’t keep track of earlier experiences cause the behavior (toggle light doesn’t toggle a switch in the same group and visa versa) made sense and is no bug.