Device integration with ESP8266

Hi everyone,
I wrote a firmware for ESP8266 that manages many home automation devices such as shutters, lights, switches, thermostats, and much more.
Its name is SmartHome and you can find it at GitHub - roncoa/SmartHome: SmartHome: firmware per ESP8266 - Casa domotica
Currently the devices communicate with Home Assistants through the MQTT protocol and are automatically found and integrated through MQTT DISCOVERY.
All the devices found and integrated into Home Assistant work perfectly.
Now, I would like my firmware to communicate with Home Assistant without MQTT, but natively.
As I have little experience in this field, how should I proceed?
I would like my firmware to work such as Wled, EspHome, Shelly, or other firmware for ESP8266.

Thank you

If i can, i would migrate all my integrations into mqtt, as you don’t have to support an additional software layer inside home assistant.

You can start from here: Creating your first integration | Home Assistant Developer Docs

But please enlighten me why you want to move away mqtt auto discovery?