Device isn't responding to ping switch Wemo off and on

  • action:
  • condition: state
    entity_id: switch.wemo_switch
    state: ‘off’
  • service: switch.turn_off
    entity_id: switch.wemo_switch
  • delay: 00:00:10
  • condition: state
    entity_id: switch.wemo_switch
    state: ‘on’
  • service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.wemo_switch
  • delay: 00:01:00
    alias: Pi2 dead turn Wemo Off and On
    condition: []
    id: ‘1504685086753’
  • entity_id: device_tracker.pi2
    from: home
    platform: state
    to: not_home

I can’t figure out where it goes wrong. It detects it’s down and triggers but doesn’t switch the WeMo on and off.

Can you make sure you use code blocks and syntax highlighting when pasting your code?
From what you posted I can’t figure out how many automations and how you built them

ha.yaml (492 Bytes)

Sorry, I tried but this editor isn’t the greatest. It’s the only automation there so far. See attached.

no worries.
Your automation isn’t built in the right order.
automations need to be structured into:

  • Trigger: what you need to monitor
  • Conditions (optional)
  • action: what you want done.


  - alias: Check sensor value and show notification
      platform: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.random_sensor
      above: 10
      service: persistent_notification.create
        message: "Sensor value greater than 10"

in your example try something like that:

    platform: state
    entity_id: device_tracker.pi2
    # unless you want to track multiple states, you don't need both from and to, one should suffice
    from: home
    to: not_home
    service: switch.turn_off
    entity_id: switch.wemo_switch
    delay: 00:00:10
    service: switch.turn_off
    entity_id: switch.wemo_switch

I’m not sure how you set your tracker for your Pi2, but I personally use the ping command. My device is listed as a binary sensor like this:

  - platform: ping
    name: Pi2

then the automation trigger is replaced with:

    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.pi2
      to: 'off'

Thanks for your help!

Below is what worked for me in the end. As soon as I moved that action block to the bottom it stopped working. Had to ssh to HA and delete the code out of automation.yaml.

I tried your block and it gave me this:
2017-09-08 20:29:28 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.util.yaml] while parsing a block mapping
in “/config/automations.yaml”, line 3, column 5
expected , but found ‘-’
in “/config/automations.yaml”, line 4, column 5

- action:
  - service: switch.turn_off
    entity_id: switch.wemo_switch
  - delay: 00:00:10
  - service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.wemo_switch
  alias: Pi2 dead turn Wemo Off and On
  condition: []
  id: '1504685086753'
  - entity_id: device_tracker.pi2
    from: home
    platform: state
    to: not_home

It’s probably your copy and paste here but action comes after trigger. Cut an paste the code you have into the text box here and then highlight it with </>. It’s hard to tell you what’s wrong the way it’s pasted here.

Hey matust. That is exactly the way it is in automation.yaml. If I move the action after the trigger it doesn’t work. (no idea why)

try this. Also check wether you want it to turn on or off first

- alias: automation_check_if_pi2_unavailable_and_reboot:
    platform: state
    entity_id: device_tracker.pi2
    # unless you want to track multiple states, you don't need both from and to, one should suffice
    from: 'home'
    to: 'not_home'
    - service: switch.turn_off
      entity_id: switch.wemo_switch
    - delay: '00:00:10'
    - service: switch.turn_on
      entity_id: switch.wemo_switch
core-ssh:/config# hassio homeassistant check
Success homeassistant/check
core-ssh:/config# cp automations.yaml automations.yaml.working
core-ssh:/config# vim automations.yaml
core-ssh:/config# hassio homeassistant check
Error on homeassistant/check: starting version 3.2.2
Testing configuration at /config
2017-09-09 11:36:24 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Unable to setup error log /config/home-assistant.log (access denied)
2017-09-09 11:36:24 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.util.yaml] mapping values are not allowed here
  in "/config/automations.yaml", line 1, column 56
2017-09-09 11:36:24 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: mapping values are not allowed here
  in "/config/automations.yaml", line 1, column 56
core-ssh:/config# cat automations.yaml
- alias: automation_check_if_pi2_unavailable_and_reboot:
    platform: state
    entity_id: device_tracker.pi2
    # unless you want to track multiple states, you don't need both from and to, one should suffice
    from: 'home'
    to: 'not_home'
    - service: switch.turn_off
      entity_id: switch.wemo_switch
    - delay: '00:00:10'
    - service: switch.turn_on
      entity_id: switch.wemo_switch
core-ssh:/config# cat automations.yaml.working 
- action:
  - service: switch.turn_off
    entity_id: switch.wemo_switch
  - delay: 00:00:10
  - service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.wemo_switch
  alias: Pi2 dead turn Wemo Off and On
  condition: []
  id: '1504685086753'
  - entity_id: device_tracker.pi2
    from: home
    platform: state
    to: not_home

Just replying to myself as I didn’t want to ruin the pre-formatted text. Don’t know why your doesn’t work and mine does. Happy to keep trying stuff :slight_smile:

Are you using the automation editor?

I created it initially with that. Now I’m just using VIM + SSH

Do you have any other automations? I haven’t used the automations editor or VIM+SSH. I edit my YAML files with notepad++ and winscp. This should be quite a simple automation so I have no idea why it’s not working for you. If you don’t have any other automations could try trouble shoot with a simple automation like this as a test

#turn on wemo insight if turned off
- alias: 'Turn on wemo insight'
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: state
    entity_id: switch.wemo_switch
    from: 'on'
    to: 'off'
    - service: switch.turn_on
      entity_id: switch.wemo_switch

This should turn your switch on when you turn it off (it’s pretty much a copy and paste from automation I use)