Device limit exceeded

Why is this the case? Does this have effects on HA in general?

Logger: homeassistant.components.homekit
Source: components/homekit/ 
Integration: HomeKit (documentation, issues) 
First occurred: 9:23:10 (618 occurrences) 
Last logged: 9:23:10

Cannot add switch.heizungspanel_b2 as this would exceed the 150 device limit. Consider using the filter option
Cannot add switch.heizungspanel_b1 as this would exceed the 150 device limit. Consider using the filter option
Cannot add switch.sonoff_led_ring_tresen as this would exceed the 150 device limit. Consider using the filter option
Cannot add switch.zbr3_led_ring as this would exceed the 150 device limit. Consider using the filter option
Cannot add media_player.nestaudio8685 as this would exceed the 150 device limit. Consider using the filter option


No, only the homekit integration, and it is a limit imposed by Apple. It’s in the homekit integration documentation.

You should filter the devices exposed to homekit to only include the ones you need/want to control via homekit.