Device naming convention

This isn’t an issue or problem but I am just curious what kind of naming conventions you all use to name your devices?

I bring up the topic due to discovering that numerals don’t work so well with the embedded voice commands - ie. ‘1’ is heard as ‘one’ as it ‘Den Lamp 1.’

Thinking about end table lamps, I thought about naming them “left” and right but then thought “… from whose perspective?” :slight_smile:

Pretty sure you’ll find a few threads on this if you search. That said…

I group things, so that I can just say turn on the den lights. For individual lights where I want to control them separately I’d just give them descriptive names that work for you. One of mine for example is called the bear cabinet light because it’s by the cabinet that has some bears in it.

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Yeah, I’ve read through the other threads I could find.
I wasn’t really looking for and answer to a problem. I know that this is a personal preference type of thing. I was just wanting to start a conversation and see what others were doing.

It was more of a conversation starter than anything.

Thanks for the reply.