Device state reverting to one state regardless of actual state

When I turn on the lights manually or via HA. The state always switches back to either on or off depending on the device. The state is never accurate. These are WS or wd-100 switches.

This usually happens when the state of the device doesn’t change to the new state, and that can happen if you have really long transition times for a dimmer, or an issue with the device. Essentially, you tell it to change state, HA optimistically reflects that change, then HA queries the device or it reports its state and it hasn’t actually changed yet.

OpenZWave had an issue with dimmers that caused exactly this sort of behavior, but zwave_js does not. I recommend migrating if you’re still using OpenZWave (built-in deprecated or beta).

I am running Zwave JS.

This is in the logs on debug. It says Status no support. Does this mean the switch can’t send status?

2021-06-20T00:22:04.579Z SERIAL » 0x010e00131e076c01b3032601ff25b368 (16 bytes)
2021-06-20T00:22:04.587Z DRIVER » [Node 030] [REQ] [SendData]
│ transmit options: 0x25
│ callback id: 179
│ session id: 51
│ request updates: true
target value: 255
2021-06-20T00:22:04.617Z SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06)
2021-06-20T00:22:04.629Z SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes)
2021-06-20T00:22:04.644Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2021-06-20T00:22:04.654Z DRIVER « [RES] [SendData]
was sent: true
2021-06-20T00:22:04.694Z SERIAL « 0x01180013b300000501cfb57f7f7f000003030000000301000044 (26 bytes)
2021-06-20T00:22:04.702Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2021-06-20T00:22:04.714Z DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData]
callback id: 179
transmit status: OK
2021-06-20T00:22:04.753Z SERIAL « 0x010d0004001e056c02330000ca007a (15 bytes)
2021-06-20T00:22:04.760Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2021-06-20T00:22:04.771Z DRIVER « [Node 030] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
session id: 51
more updates follow: false
status: NoSupport
duration: 0s