Device status shows away instead of zone


I am using owntracks with http and it looks to be working. the devices are shown in the map correctly but when I put the device_tracker.XXX in Lovelace, I am getting status as away instead of the zone name.

The zones are set at a radius of 250 and they do show up in the maps. Also in developer < > it shows the device tracker status as not_home.

can someone help me with this. although I set the zones in my configuration.yaml it still shows away in Lovelace.

thank you

Where did you define the zones? In Owntrack or in HA?

in configuration.yaml file in HA

hum that’s odd. And in HA on the map you clearly see the device icon showing up inside the radius?

yes. its completely inside the radius.

can you share your config?

its like this

  - name: Office
    latitude: XX.XXXXXX
    longitude: XX.XXXXXX
    radius: 250
    icon: mdi:suitcase

I agree with @lolouk44, this is odd.

This explains why it’s being shown as Away - i.e., the entity’s state is not getting set to the zone name. So it’s not a “front end” problem.

By any chance, are you seeing any messages in the log that contain the following string?

"Could not parse gps value for "

I checked it now and it works… maybe it just needed like a couple of hours to set itself up.

me too, but It worked now when I push “report” on my Owntracks to update my latest location. great!