Device Tracker and duplicate MAC address

Hi there.

I’m using asuswrt and owntracks for my device trackers. According to the documentation, if I put the mac address field in for owntracks I should get a combined tracker for my phone. Here’s my known_devices.yaml. However, I’m currently getting a duplicate MAC address warning. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

      hide_if_away: false
      mac: F0:18:98:BA:xx:xx
      name: Jim
      track: true

      hide_if_away: false
      mac: F0:18:98:BA:xx:xx
      name: Jim
      track: true

The doc isn’t very clear on this point, but I believe you’re suppose to add the mac to the owntracks entry and remove the other entry.

Thanks for the reply. I still get two device_trackers listed in states. Should I get both?

Did you edit known_devices.yaml and restart? After the restart, did HA change known_devices.yaml to add the second device back in?

Ahhh… sorry, I thought you said just to delete the MAC address from the asuswrt. Deleting the whole entry seems to have solved it.
