Device Tracker and Groups Unknown Status

So I have multiple device trackers that I am trying to put into a group. The problem is that when I put them into a group I lose the ability to see that status. So for instance if both the trackers were in a zone called Zone 1 all I see on the group status is Unknown. If they are outside a zone then I see them as away. Is there a way to get the group to update the status as the name of the Zone. I am guessing this may be an issue that if both aren’t the same then it won’t know which one to use?

I think this is due to the algorithm the group uses to try to determine its state. Since a group can have any type of entity it in, it first has to try to dynamically figure out what general type the entities are. I.e., should the group be on/off, home/not_home, open/closed, etc. The way it does this is to check the state of each entity in the group until it finds a state that it knows about. Once it finds one it stops and decides on which states to use. Then it checks all the entities to decide which of the two states (e.g., on or off, home or not_home, etc.) the group should be.

In your case, when all the entities are in a zone, it doesn’t find one of the states it know about (e.g., home or not_home), so it gives up and says its state is unknown.

I don’t think there’s anyway to change this behavior, short of editing the code to suit your needs.

BTW, out of curiosity, are the multiple device trackers for different devices/people?

Yes the more i think about this the more i think maybe I am doing this wrong. I just got some bluetooth le devices and so i have them hooked up as device trackers which probably isn’t the best idea because they will need my phone to report out so i should probably just track the phone instead. I guess i am still thinking this through all the way but noticed that if I used two devices in a group the zones no longer updated which probably makes sense just seems like if they were both the same that the status of the group would be recognized as such.