Hi, I have Iphone working fine when I leave and enter other zones.
For android I have device tracker enabled but the yaml file it make by default is missing GPS, lat and longitude etc. And not close to what was done for Apple by default
at this point is the best was to wipe the android config in HA and start over?!!!
where I am at:
this is returning the exact correct address into HA for the android device
the device trackers I enabled and then the yaml only has source gps and friendly name fields nothing else
I tried to manually copy what in iphone yaml but not sure that correct approach as I did no yaml config for apple device and worked fine
That is one of several location sensors on android, the others are enabled as well? background location and location zone. There should also be an option for high accuracy.
it’s enable in my android and i’m positive i did not modify any yaml config for it. but i might have enabled long ago. i don’t recall… but one of my androids does have it disabled… so up front i don’t know the answer off the bat, but here’s something to take a look at…
if you go to the mobile app integration (settings->integration->mobile app)
you should see your devices listed. pick that device. you should see something like this:
What yaml are you refering to? The Android companion generates a device tracker, but ther’s no yaml involved. Can you post what yaml you are talking about?
thanks but I don’t see the extra s anywhere in the device tracker itself under the dev tools etc
as for the yaml file it is shown in dev tools when you pull up person or device tracker
for my apple I have lat,log etc for the android it not there, address is fully in HA it just wont track zones for some reason on android (apple works 100%)
This is not yaml, so referring to it as yaml adds to a lot of confusion. You can specify persons in yaml, you can also do it in the GUI. They will show the same in dev tools.
The error you show, where does it come from? What are you doing at that time, is there actual yaml involved, is it in the GUI, if so where?
If Android does not track zones, as stated above, you should check the settings for the companion app on the phone, for the sensors, this part:
it is a yaml
it the state attributes for the device tracker
HA. clearly provides:
State attributes (YAML, optional)
android only has this for device tracker
source_type: gps
friendly_name: test android phone
the app is fine as device tracker loaded to HA means I provided proper permissions per the guide
only thing not working is device tracker
geo sensor has full address in HA as advised prior
@dshokouhi thanks for the guide very helpful but I think something got messed up so might be easier I just delete all from HA and re add it and see what I get