Device_tracker component

Hi All,

i have a strange issue that is showing up every once in a while for a year now with the device tracker using google location sharing and i cannot seem to fix it. I have the component google_maps setup created and a third gmail account for sharing the location with two users(me and my wife) But every once in a while the location of one of the users stops working(no GPS coordinates).

The fix was to delete the cookies file(.google_maps_location_sharing.cookies.thirdgmailuser) for the GPS coordinates to appear again. But now even that is not working(since the update to 0.93.1 it seeems) . The strange thing is that it happens only to one of the users not to both. I have logged in to the third Gmail account where both locations are shared and the users show up fine on the map. Any ideas why is this happening?

Things done so far :
deleted the cookies file every time it stopped working(until now it worked)
re shared the location on the affected user
recreated the settings of device tracker

Thank you

Is there anyone experience the same issue?