Device tracker: Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved

My Hassio is reporting this…

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/device_tracker/”, line 317, in async_see
hide_if_away=self.defaults.get(CONF_AWAY_HIDE, DEFAULT_AWAY_HIDE))
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘get’

No clue what it means. Anyone?

We do not have a clue because:

  1. You did not post the relevant part of your configuration, using the instructions at the top of the page.
  2. Did you check the official documentation for that component t verify your configuration?
  1. You never stated what filed troubleshooting steps you have already tried.

Yes, more information would definitely be helpful. However, my guess would be you have this:


somewhere in your configuration under device_tracker:, but you have nothing under new_device_defaults:. If that is the case, either put something under it (as documented in the link @anon34565116 provided above), or simply delete that line.

How do we know he didn’t already try that? He didn’t say what he tried to resolve the issue.

FWIW, after a quick look at the code, as far as I can tell, this is the only way that error can occur.

I just hate putting in more effort than the one “worried” about the problem.

It was like 2 minutes since I was already very familiar with the code. And, besides, others may come along later with the same problem and might find this. But I’m totally with you – if you’re asking for help, fill in some background and detail to make it as easy as possible for the people you’re asking help from. :slight_smile:

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@anon34565116 you’re so right. I could have delivered much more info. It wasn’t laziness or unwillingness. I was so confused… no idea where to look at… i thought ‘device tracker’ was something general. Didn’t think of it as a component. In that case it would make sense (hell yeah!). Sorry i didn’t follow the rules of this forum.

Here answers to your questions

  1. You did not post the relevant part of your configuration, using the instructions at the top of the page.
  - platform: netgear
    username: xxxxxxx
    password: xxxxxxx
    interval_seconds: 20
    consider_home: 180
      track_new_devices: true
      hide_if_away: false
  1. Did you check the official documentation for that component t verify your configuration?

nope. as stated above… I will now :slight_smile:

  1. You never stated what filed troubleshooting steps you have already tried.

Indeed. I’ll post them!

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Yes… there is something. See configuration details in reply above.

Thank you very much.

I tried the following:

  • check the config to the components docs (looks good)
  • removed non-needed configuration lines: interval_seconds: 20
    consider_home: 180
    track_new_devices: true
    -> no changes

Please format your YAML configuration information properly following the instructions at the top of the page. YAML is very sensitive to indentation, and as it is, there’s no way to know if your configuration is correct.

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Are you sure you restarted HA after changing the configuration?

Check… changed TS

Is that the only device_tracker entry anywhere in your configuration?

You said you removed some lines and tried again but got the same error. Can you post what that config looked like after you changed it? Also, again, are you sure you restarted HA (not just reloaded the configuration via the GUI) after making those changes?

After looking at the code again, I’m not 100% sure anymore what’s going on. What version of HA are you running?

I am having the same issue after updating to 0.91.0. Could this be related the Netgear LTE code that was added?

What does your device_tracker config look like?

After looking at the code again, the only way I can explain this happening is if you have something like this:

  - platform: something
    track_new_devices: something

I.e., where track_new_devices is included with a value (true or false), and new_device_defaults is also specified, but with no values, or maybe:

  new_device_defaults: null

but that’s not likely.