Device tracker formatting for multiple iphones?

I keep having issues with entering multiple iphone’s in the yaml configuration file. Does anyone have any sample yaml configurations?

platform: icloud
username: USERNAME
password: PASSWORD

how do I add more users after this first one?? in the right yaml format?? I keep crashing my HA!!

Do it like this:

  - platform: icloud
    username: USERNAME1
    password: PASSWORD1
  - platform: icloud
    username: USERNAME2
    password: PASSWORD2

That worked. Thanks!!! I also have all my zones also set up now. Do you know of any simple instructions on how to set the yaml on push notifications when the Iphones leave and enter the zones? I don’t fully understand the directions on the HA website. Thanks again for the help!!

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Use a state trigger as noted here:

inside an automation as noted here:

combined they should look like: (not 100% sure the formatting is right there but it should get you pretty close)

    platform: state
    entity_id: device_tracker.paulus, device_tracker.anne_therese
    from: 'not_home'
    to: 'home'
    service: notify.notify
        message: Im home!