Device_tracker "Home" vs "home"

This a silly questions , just looking for why it does this. Using groups.yaml, I have a device_tracker that is “home” entity that when it renders to the frontend as “Home” upper case and “Away” upper case when it is not in a specific zone

In lovelace using the entities card it displays as “home” and “not_home”.

Not a big deal, just bothers me that the same entity would have two different displays.


You can make a template sensor, returning the name you want for this different device tracking states.

I could, but I was curious as to why it shows two different text in lovelace vs the standard front end.

I seem to have the same problem, but it just appeared with HA 84.x Would anyone be able to give a quick example how to write a template sensor for this? I read the docs but not sure how to get started.

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Somebody"
      value_template: >-
        {% if is_state('device_tracker.somebody', 'home') %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}

It’s a bug, the frontend is rendering too fast.