I’ve been looking at various ways to set the icon of a device_tracker. I have an HADASHBOARD set up that shows where people are based on their device trackers. What I’d like to do is change the icon and not just the text. It seems like there are automations that can fire when a device tracker changes, but it doesn’t look like there is a service that can be called to change it. Since HADASHBOARD allows the icon to be set by the Home Assistant, it seems to me most of the piece parts are there to make this workable.
you can use the icon widget for that.
just give in all the states you want to see and connect the icons that you like.
Wow! That seems like what I want to do exactly. I changed the widget_type to icon but I get an error saying it can’t find that type of widget.
title: X
widget_type: icon
entity: device_tracker.x_iphone
state_text: 1
icon: fa-building
style: “color: green”
I tried to do the indenting, but I am a bit of a NOOB on the forum
on top of the forum is a link how to present your (YAML) code
what version of appdaemon are you running?
0.3.0 AppDaemon on Hassio 0.67.1
then you have to show me your indented dashboard and the errorlog.
title: X
widget_type: icon
entity: device_tracker.X_iphone
state_text: 1
icon: fa-building
style: "color: green"
icon: fa-home
style: "color: blue"
"Old Town":
icon: fa-utensils
style: "color: red"
that looks correct if that entity exists.
what is in the log? or how do you get the error?
The entity is there and I even tried to do it with a binary sensor too. There is nothing tin the app log. My config seetings are:
“log_level”: “info”,
“commtype”: “websockets”
you say you get an error. how?
please show me the error.
i think you need to update appdaemon.
you probably have an appdaemon version 3.0.0b3 or earlier.
the iconwidget is added in 3.0.0b4
the most up to date version is 3.0.1
OK. Thanks! Appreciate the help over the last couple of days