Device tracker in 0.94

Hello :slightly_smiling_face:
After I have upgraded to 0.94 my work own image for my device tracker for my phone seams to have disappeared, and I’m not quite sure how to add it to the new entity there is created via the owntrack integration.
I have tried to add it via the customized yaml file, but it didn’t work out.
Any routing ideas of where I can add my link to my own image?

I saw some fragility to use HA, so I’d suggest to keep a copy handy. Much more when planning to update.
Even the configuration.yaml disappearance, cause the system to be not available.

picture: /local/Xxxxx.png
in known_devices.yaml

Thanks :slight_smile: It worked…
As i understood the release notes for the overhauled version of the device_tracker module, they had stopped using the known_devices file… Maybe i need one more cold beer to cool my head down here in the summerheat :stuck_out_tongue:

Which release notes? 95.1 doesn’t mention much here, and the docs at still suggest known_devices is used…

Only a few device trackers have been migrated to not using known devices, the rest still use it till migrated. To customise the device tracker that have migrated to using method you can use the customise ui