
Hello Everyone, I am a new HA user!

I have read documents and also some comments in the community but I have not found the solutions

Trying to set a trigger (Please ignore spaces and indentantion here):

  • alias: At home
    - platform: state
    entity_id: device_tracker.iphone_de_xxxxx
    from: ‘not_home’
    to: ‘home’
    - service: xxxxx
    entity_id: xxxx

But thestate of entity “device_tracker.iphone_de_xxxx” never changes so it never triggers, I lelft home and nothing happened / I turned off the phone and nothing / I disconected from the wifi and nothing. What am I missing here?

Thanks in Advance.

I think it might be useful if you tell us what component you’re using for the device tracker, so people can help you. Are you using the iOS app? :grinning:

Sorry about that. Yes, it is an Iphone, using IOS app.

I haven’t had great success with device tracking in the iOS app either. Can you make sure that the location setting is allowed and enabled?

Here is also some information :smiley:

I will read this one. Thanks!

I am using Traccar add-on and it is really working well combining with the Nmap tracker.
Have you tried these?

Very interesting! I have not tried it but looks very promising. I don’t need location tracking only “home” or “not home” so I use

It works quite brilliantly! :wink: