Device tracker netgear bug?

Hi, I have enabled the device tracker netgear.

It does add multiple time the same object, changing slighlty the MAC address.

For example, my wife Iphone MAC address is: 30:F7:xx:xx:DB:8F, it then adds another entry with 02:0F:xx:xx:DB:8F
basically changing 30:F7 with 02:0F.
It does this also to my samsung.

Is it a bug?

  hide_if_away: false
  mac: 30:F7:xx:xx:DB:8F
  name: solsiphone
  track: true

  hide_if_away: false
  mac: 02:0F:xx:xx:DB:8F
  name: --
  track: true

Are you using icloud also? You will get one entry for the icloud device tracker and one for the netgear tracker. However, the icloud entry shouldn’t have a mac address.

No, although I wanted too

this is my settings

  - platform: owntracks
  - platform: gpslogger
  - platform: nmap_tracker
    home_interval: 10
    consider_home: 200
  - platform: netgear
    username: admin
    password: xxxxxx
    track_new_devices: yes
    consider_home: 200

Why are you using nmap and netgear?

Also is the IP address of your router?

I would use one or the other, there is really no reason to use both. I have found nmap to be very consistent and had trouble with netgear. This may be why you have multiple entries, nmap is giving the second entry as it names them by mac address and netgear will pull a name like your first entry.

Yes you are right, device tracker netgear is buggy (247 is the router netgear)

If I take the entry out of configuration it gives me tons of errors in error log. How to deinstall it now?

Do you have “Discovery:” in your config? Netgear is auto discovered and I got netgear errors until I removed that.

Yes I have. You suggest to remove it?

The errors aren’t harmful, so you can leave it there if you want. I removed it just so I didn’t have to sort through those errors while looking for other stuff while testing.

Just understand that removing it won’t allow automatic discovery of components. Those components are documented here: