Device tracker not updating status

Been using HA for a while on a truenas server with no problems but as it got discontinued I’ve installed in docker on a ubuntu server.

truenas version
Home Assistant 2022.7.6
Frontend 20220707.1 - latest

Ubuntu docker
Home Assistant 2023.1.7
Frontend 20230110.0 - latest

My pixel 6a (but also a pixel 4a) are detected fine in the truenas installation, but always show AWAY in the docker one. I have followed every single thread in this forum but no way that it changes status.

Basically I use the same setup for the 2 installations, but one updates one does not. Phone is set for both internal and external access, and have a fixed IP address. When I switch back to the old version and reinstall the app, sensor is detected immediately. Makes me think that I am not doing anything wrong on my side. Also, other sensors like battery, alarm, etc do give right reading on the newest version, it’s just the location that does not work.

The app log when connected to the docker installations find the phone and reads all other sensors, but the location tracker. Phone updates location, here is the log:

02-01 10:59:47.686 14897 14897 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Coords:(xx.732605, -xx.0248857)
02-01 10:59:47.686 14897 14897 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Accuracy: 12.446
02-01 10:59:47.686 14897 14897 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Bearing: 0.0
02-01 10:59:47.689 14897 14897 D UrlRepository: localUrl is: true, usesInternalSsid is: true, usesWifi is: true
02-01 10:59:47.690 14897 14897 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Begin evaluating if location update should be skipped
02-01 10:59:47.690 14897 14897 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Received location that is 49 milliseconds old, 1675249187641 compared to 1675249187690 with source fused
02-01 10:59:47.690 14897 14897 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Duplicate location received, not sending to HA

Any help would be appreciated.

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I am getting this same issue and it’s causing the device tracker to not update the longitude and latitude on a Pixel 6. My wife’s Galaxy S22 works perfectly fine.

Just following up on this, I’ve udated my docker HA installation to latest 2023.3.1 and problem is gone.