Device_tracker of huawei_lte integration: how set consider_home greater than zero?


I successfully setup device_tracker entities based on huawei_lte integration.

But as soon as my phone disconnect from wifi, intentionally or casually, i’m moved not_home.

I would like to set a consider_home greather than zero, but I’m unable to understand how to do it properly.

Following an example for netgear integration, I tried for example:

  - url: !secret router_url
    username: !secret router_user
    password: !secret router_password

      name: SMS
        - ...

  - platform: huawei_lte
    host: !secret router_host
    consider_home: 300

but this makes all my device_tracker entities unavailble.

I can’t find any documentation about proper syntax.

Thanks for any help.