Device tracker picture

I have seen a few posts about this but mine is still not working.

I want to be able to see the picture of the person if I open the MAP on the side bar UI.

I have added a picture under person and I can see the picture. The person is linked to a device tracker. But when I click on the MAP on side bar only the initials show. I tried adding a picture in custom.yaml but then the initials go away but still no picture.

added the sensor and entity_picture under the customize.yaml and the copied the files to the www folder and pointed it there like many threads suggested but no luck.

not sure if this is by designed but only when I use geocoded location i can see the person on the mam (still with no picture)

but under the person config under settings I can only choose device tracker.

customize.yaml code (tried this with the as well but nothing)

    entity_picture: /local/name of picture

configuration.yaml code

   customize: !include customize.yaml

On the map the entities you will see are device_tracker not sensor.

I guess the name would be device_tracker.s22_ultra on your setup. Customize the entity_picture on that one should do the trick :slight_smile:

Edit : oh ! Just checked on mine and I see also a sensor with geocoded location on mine. Never seen that before !

Let me try to apply a pic on it.

Edit2 : works good with the same setup than you !

So maybe the thing is that your local folder is not working ? The URL is /local/picture.jpg but the folder must be named www is that your case ?

i have the folder www and then the picture is inside of it yes in the root of www with no other folders.

Did you tried to access the picture file with a browser ?

yes if I use the folder location in a browser

\ \ “IP of HA”\config\www"name of picture"

I can see the picture.

if I use /local/“name of picture”

I cant see it.

OK, so this is maybe the problem, you should be able to view your file with https://your-ha-address/local/file.ext

What are you using for accessing your frontend ? https ? External access ? Any reverse proxy ? Nabu Casa ?

When you say you can’t see it in your browser, what is the error ?

I get the message below. I am using Duckdns for external and local ip works as well

using NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy with Duck DNS


OK, I don’t know how NGINX proxy addon is configured by default or how you configured it but looks like this is the problem :slight_smile:

I’ll check some docs if I can find anything

Maybe in the mean time you could check the logs if anything comes up in addon

Your www folder is in config folder right ? And you access via nginx/ssl works fine on HA frontend ? So maybe not nginx in the end

Try also a look at chrome debug tool (F12) to check errors, maybe something more detailled than err_http2_protocol_error

Hi in the NGINX log i get the below message I have no idea what that IP ( is as it is not part of my network.

2022/05/19 10:56:55 [error] 253#253: *14088 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client: (Router IP), server: (Duckdns address removed), request: “GET /api/websocket HTTP/1.1”, upstream: “”, host: “(duckdns url)”

Edit. Manged to fix the error just added a rule to my router.

the chrome debug shows that the site is unreacable when using the https://HA ip/local/nikki.jpg

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This is an IP in Docker internal network :slight_smile:

Glad you fixed it !

anything else I can try and get the Picture to show? That is still not working

Check Chrome debug tool when access the map. Browser cache might be an issue too.

in chrome debug i see: the chrome debug shows that the site is unreacable when using the https://HA ip/local/nikki.jpg

dont know exactly where to look.

Can you check your network settings (internal/external URL)

not sure what you need ? where do I check it? on pc in chrome in HA.

Open your Home Assistant instance and manage your systems network configuration.

Check here if your external address is correct. Better use ‘automatic’ for internal (local network)

its almost correct just has I no longer use the port 8123 so if I take it away then yes my external URL works. I had a look at my network setting in HA and it also has the 8123 on it but I cannot change it. where do I change it?

Edit nvm I changed it. dumb moment.

so external address works. still no picture though when I use the link with URL or local IP

https://home assistant address/local/nikki.jpg

It looks like the customize.yaml does not do the job, however adding the image directly to the sensor works, hope it helps.

entity_picture: /local/my_image.jpg

And as mentioned before the actual image location in home assistant should be located in

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thx, search for such solution!
Does it survive restarts/updates of HA core?