Device tracker Show city

Hi ! I’m trying to convert my latitude/longitude position for my devices tracker into city. so I would like to know in witch city my device is.

is it possible ?

I saw that :

Do I need to pay for a google api ?


Have a look at Nominatim from OpenStreetMap.

Use the lat/lan from a device tracker to create a REST sensor.

Assuming your device tracker is named device_tracker.myphone you can use this code:

  - platform: rest
    name: My Phone City
    resource_template: >-
      {%- set lat = state_attr('device_tracker.myphone', 'latitude') -%}
      {%- set lon = state_attr('device_tracker.myphone', 'longitude') -%}{{lat}}&lon={{lon}}&format=json
    value_template: '{{ }}'

This will periodically (SCAN_INTERVAL) update the sensor. You need a more elaborate solution (template sensor or automation) to update the city for every state update of the device tracker. Depending on your needs.


For those in need reading this thread, you could also (better) use an out of the box solution: Places

I’ve tried this and it never returns a city name. City is not even listed in attributes

Have you tried the template in the developer tools?

You could also try to re-create a url and open in in the browser like so:

Please show your results (mind your privacy).