Device Tracker spamming Log

I have set up the official HA app and the device_tracker to know if I’m home, etc. This all works very nice, but the “Event Log” (or what it’s called in english) gets an update every 4 minutes and spams it, rendering it almost useless.

Is there a way for it to not do that?

Note that the state does not change between home and not home very often:

I really don’t know why it happens

Thanks in advance!

You can exclude it from the logbook:

Not being rude, but this is the equivalent of:

My car won’t start, what do I do?

Well, just don’t drive, so you won’t have that problem.

I mean, yeah… It won’t appear anymore, but it isn’t a solution per se

But thank you!

This is new to 106.x as I have not seen this prior to this upgrade.

It appears a bug as it’s reporting it as home when already home.

I have the same issue with both my and my wife iPhones running the iOS app.

Well you could exclude it until it gets fixed. At least you would be able to use your logbook.

An issue has been opened regarding this.