Device tracker : TP Link Archer C20

I’m trying to add all my devices at home but can’t get my main router TP Link Archer C20 work with device tracker.

- platform: tplink
  host: !secret TP_link_host
  username: !secret TP_link_USERNAME
  password: !secret TP_link_PASSWORD
  track_new_devices: yes

Error log:

Error setting up platform tplink
21:11 components/device_tracker/ (ERROR)
Router didn't respond with JSON. Check if credentials are correct.
21:11 components/device_tracker/ (ERROR)
Router didn't respond with JSON. Check if credentials are correct
21:11 components/device_tracker/ (ERROR)
Couldn't fetch auth tokens! Response was: <html><head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head> 
<body><center><h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1></center></body></html>
21:11 components/device_tracker/ (ERROR)
AP didn't respond with JSON. Check if credentials are correct
21:11 components/device_tracker/ (ERROR)

TP Link password and user name are correct.
Device tracker works with Fritz AP w/o problems, so house is covered partially only.

Any advice please?

Hi, dont bother. The TP Link component seems to be broken for quite a while. Check github for infos.

I did not intent to bother at all.
Thank you for advice anyhow :wink:

Hi kajmaj,

I did not mean to sound rude in any way. It was meant as a warning, so you dont waste your time. Sorry if I expressed myself unclear.
There are other platforms for presence detection, like “ping” etc. Check it out!

Have a great day!

Tried NMAP, seems to be working well … so far.