Device Traker Issue

I am constantly getting this message in my log

Log Details (ERROR)
Wed Aug 15 2018 14:42:48 GMT+1000 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/device_tracker/”, line 308, in async_see
hide_if_away=self.defaults.get(CONF_AWAY_HIDE, DEFAULT_AWAY_HIDE))
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘get’

Any ideas as to what it actually is and how I would resolve it?

Which tracker platform are you using?

Does your tracker config have hide_if_away: defined?

It is supposed to default to false if not defined. I just had a look at mine and I do not have this parameter defined and am not getting this error for Owntracks.

Sorry tom for the noob post. Im using the Asuswrt componant.
I probably should also add that I have hidden all the devices from the default page and have a card instead with my wifes and my phone to indicated home or away.
I have hidden the the devices as I get cluttered mess showing me useless sensors that I really wont ever track.

  - platform: asuswrt
    username: !secret asus_username
    password: !secret asus_password
    track_new_devices: False
    hide_if_away: True

You need to format that configuration properly using the instructions at the top of the page. But my guess is, you didn’t indent the items under new_device_defaults:.

Sorry pnbruckerner but I dont understand? Should I have devices listed under new_device_defaults? Or is the spacing incorrect?

Can’t really tell until you properly format your device_tracker configuration in your post.

Sorry getting usd to the forum… Should be right now

Ok, as I originally suspected the indentation is wrong. Should be:

  - platform: asuswrt
    username: !secret asus_username
    password: !secret asus_password
      track_new_devices: False
      hide_if_away: True
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Champion!! As an Aussie I’m obligated to buy you a beer!! If ever you around my way Ill make sure it happens!!

As an American, I’ll be more than happy to accept a beer! :smile: But since I’m a few miles away and not likely to get to your neighborhood real soon :disappointed:, please feel free to drink it for me. :wink:

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I tell you what Ill have 2 just for you

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