I’m now using Home Assistant for several months and it’s working nice and it was easy to learn so everything I needed I get over google but now I have a strange thing that doesn’t work like I wan to.
I have an automation that turns off the radio if the TV is turned on.
- alias: Radio aus bei TV
initial_state: true
platform: state
entity_id: switch.wohnzimmer_tv
to: 'on'
- delay: '00:00:25'
- service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.esszimmer_audio
- service: media_player.turn_off
entity_id: media_player.cast_esszimmer
This automation is working nice.
I bought an new Smart-TV (Samsung) that I want to turn on seperate with the same trigger (state of switch.wohnzimmer_tv) but this automation doesn’t get triggered:
- alias: smarttv_power
initial_state: true
platform: state
entity_id: switch.wohnzimmer_tv
to: 'on'
- service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.stvwohn
this won’t be triggered but the first automation with the same trigger will be executed.
Is it not possible to run multiple automations with one device as trigger?
My Home Assistant is running on an Raspi 3.
My main question is, if it can be the cause that my automation won’t be executed because I’m running two automations to the same time from one trigger.
I don’t know if you can have two automations with the same trigger and I’m not in a position to test it for a few days.
Could you explain why you must have two automations when one would have exactly the same outcome?
The mediaplayer_samsungtv is not working with the model of my samsung so I worked around that with this switch.
switch.wohnzimmer_tv is an wifi swich that turns on an soundbar, blu-ray player and other things that are releated to the tv.
So if the switch.wohnzimmer_tv turned on - the samsung tv needs also to be turned on because it’s one unit and the switch.wohnzimmer_tv is used as action in other automations.