Devices don't show up in the MQTT Integration page, but are listet in Zwave2MQTT

I have set up Z-wave2MQTT, following these great steps by @joselito1 and the integration seems to work as expected. All nodes show up, and they report back (as per the logs).

Somehow the nodes don’t come through to Home Assistant, at least they don’t show up in the integration.

This one node is hard wired, but it´s not the only Node being hard wired. In the Z-Wave2MQTT list none of the nodes run on battery. I therefore would expect the nodes to show up on the Integrations page.

I use the Mosquitto Broker ad-on, which is configured in my configuration.yaml

  broker: !secret mqtt_broker ## (same IP as HASS)
  port: 1883
  username: !secret mqtt_username
  password: !secret mqtt_password
  discovery: true
  discovery_prefix: homeassistant
    topic: 'hass/status'
    payload: 'online'
    topic: 'hass/status'
    payload: 'offline'

I have tried to reinstall the broker, which includes removing the MQTT integration from HASS. I have activated the MQTT integration without the configuration.yaml settings, which triggered the Activate MQTT I the Integrations page in HASS. Switching back to use the settings from the configuration.yaml.

Still no show-up in HASS.

Any suggestions towards a solution is highly appreciated :slight_smile:

I do not have a solution, but I wanted to add on that I have the same problem. Looking for a fix

Good to know I’m not the only one facing this.
I have even tried doing a clean install (in VM) and just adding the Mosquitto broker and the zwave2mqtt add-ons. Still facing the same issue.
I’ve been playing with the MQTT login, ending up using the ACL-alternative described in the Mosquitto Broker Git repository.
I can see the broker and all the nodes in the MQTT Explorer app.

Even so, no progress.
It must be an easy solution and something I have overseen.

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have you had any luck getting this to work? i followed the same steps here but dont even have a homeassistant topic on my broker nor anything in homeassistant. i do have devices in zwave2mqtt though so 1 out of 3?

Have you tried adding the devices in the configuration.yaml file? I have two GE enbrighten lights that I have in Z-wave2MQTT but did not add the MQTT integration. Instead I added them to the YAML files following this resource as an example.:

i finally got things in mqtt, i had to dig up the username and password that was generated automatically for mqtt broker. that being said

i am using the mqtt integration so maybe i will try configuration.yaml instead. this seems kind of crazy the process to add devices and what you go through to change the name

Do you know if there is a way to specify the MQTT broker username and password when Activating the MQTT integration from the integrations menu?

I found I had to resurrect my MQTT section in configuration.yml to get the discovered devices to be added into Home Assistant

i’m using the hassio mqtt add-on so everything was configured for me. i can see that a user account named “homeassistant” is created on the broker admin but i never set anything up specifically.