Devices greying out, then coming back

Since last core update my Tapo and Sonoff plugs regularly grey out for a few minutes, and then come back alive.

I’ve reset my RPi, restarted etc all to avail. Any suggestions? Thanks folks.

Log shows:
2023-07-11 18:46:47.444 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.localtuya.common] [872…b40] Initial state update failed, giving up: TimeoutError()

2023-07-11 18:46:47.448 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.localtuya.common] [872…b40] Disconnected - waiting for discovery broadcast

2023-07-11 18:46:49.434 ERROR (SyncWorker_4) [blinkpy.sync_module] Could not extract manifest ID from response: {‘message’: ‘Manifest command is in process, please wait’, ‘code’: 2113}

2023-07-11 18:47:21.003 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.localtuya.common] [400…42a] Failed to connect to [Errno 110] Connect call failed (‘’, 6668)

2023-07-11 18:47:21.008 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.localtuya.common] [640…030] Failed to connect to [Errno 110] Connect call failed (‘’, 6668)

2023-07-11 18:47:21.013 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.localtuya.common] [400…021] Failed to connect to [Errno 110] Connect call failed (‘’, 6668)

2023-07-11 18:47:21.017 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.localtuya.common] [330…d46] Failed to connect to [Errno 110] Connect call failed (‘’, 6668)

2023-07-11 18:47:21.020 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.localtuya.common] [330…94f] Failed to connect to [Errno 110] Connect call failed (‘’, 6668)

2023-07-11 18:47:40.194 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.localtuya.common] [640…030] Disconnected - waiting for discovery broadcast

2023-07-11 18:47:40.384 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.localtuya.common] [330…d46] Disconnected - waiting for discovery broadcast

2023-07-11 18:47:40.817 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.localtuya.common] [400…021] Disconnected - waiting for discovery broadcast

2023-07-11 18:47:43.627 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.localtuya.common] [400…b48] Disconnected - waiting for discovery broadcast

2023-07-11 18:47:44.501 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.localtuya.common] [872…b40] Disconnected - waiting for discovery broadcast

2023-07-11 18:47:45.084 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.tapo.coordinators] Error fetching tapo data: Unexpected exception:

2023-07-11 18:47:45.229 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.tapo.coordinators] Error fetching tapo data: Unexpected exception:

2023-07-11 18:47:45.322 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.tapo.coordinators] Error fetching tapo data: Unexpected exception:

2023-07-11 18:47:46.345 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.tapo.coordinators] Error fetching tapo data: Unexpected exception:

FYI I found the problem in case anyone else has a similar issue.

I already had a Blink mini camera and a Blink Sync module, all working correctly. As Amazon had an offer on the other week I decided to get two external wifi cameras. Looking back, that’s when the issues started.

However, I had problems after problems with the two new cameras, wouldn’t connect, sync kept disconnecting, Blink servers couldn’t be reached. And support at Blink is totally and utterly useless! All they do is follow a script, no technical knowledge.

In the end I’ve just sent the cameras back. Guess what? All the issues with Tapo, Sonoff devices and zigbee devices stopped. Absolutely no issues since these cameras removed.

Never buying them again!

Hope this helps someone…